Thursday, June 14, 2012

Breaking New Rules - The ToddlerCon Phenomenon

WARNING:  This post will contain some disturbing images that have been provided for the sole purpose of pissing people off and hopefully make them stand up and protest for the morals and values they believe in.  Don't want to be labeled a nark, rat or tattle-tail?  Fuck off, you are part of the reason society is so fucked up.  You are more worried about your image than the safety and well-being of others, and in this case, children...

Call me an internet troll.  I love nothing better than to sit around all day, spending time surfing the internet and all it has to offer.  Click a link here, look up a subject there, slam your head repeatedly into your keyboard as your try to understand or interpret how so many people can be so fucking stupid...

Yesterday I started my day out like any other day.  Wake up, take a leak, grab a smoke and start flipping through my favorite pages on FB for new uploads and see what everyone was up to while I was offline.  Sound fairly normal?  I thought so.  I am a page owner on FB.  I have been warned and served bans for some of the stupidest things...  I even received a 24 hour ban for the following photo:

Why you may ask?  Hell if I know!  A woman showing off her back tats in a small pool wearing a bikini.  Must not have been enough nudity to warrant itself as a 'beneficial post'?  Sounds about right!  Take a look at what Facebook DOES allow...

Smash/Pass Teen Photos,   Forbidden Incest,   and I will spare you of the truly disturbing pages that were recently removed, but you can read about it all on Chelsea Schilling's report on WND.

Enough of all that, what was the word?!  Toddlercon...

Must of you may have been aware of the words Lolicon and/or Shotacon, which depict sexually explicit or full on sexual intercourse of minors.  The new fad?  Toddlercon.  You guessed it, toddlers depicted in sexual acts and sexually explicit illustrations, photos and videos.  Not enough to piss you off?  Just wait, it get's much worse...  Just a simple search on Google will pull up results that are enough to make a sane person vomit!  Diapers, forced rape (implied incest) and the list goes on.  I am not trying to promote these images (links have been removed) but you should really see what is being allowed to run rampant on the internet.  Corporate conglomerations like Google, Yahoo and Bing should know better.  And Society wonders why child molestation, rape and abductions are so rampant all over the world...

What do we do?  Who is really committed?  Keep reading, I'll give you a few hints.

Ever surf around Google and notice an image that is illegal or offensive?  Report the photo!  Google doesn't really explain your options, but you do have the power!  Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Report Offensive Images"

Hover over the image you want to report and you will be given two options:

If you are ready and willing to take it even a step further, you can contact Google through a simple to use webform and ask for them to remove content.  You can access the form HERE.

1 comment:

  1. indeed internet troll, they're drawings bro, no child is being abused.
    pd: i do NOT condone real child abuse.
